What is this project about

Promoting bands by making live recordings available for free download

Who we are

We are a bunch of tapers who are dedicated to archiving live performances. In most cases we’ve been doing this as a hobby and collectively we have many years of experience of making recordings. We do everything from simple stereo recordings to full multitrack audio and multi-cam video. And several points in between.

If you are a performer, venue or promoter who is interested in having your work recorded please drop us a line. What appears on the website is only a small proportion of the work we do for radio, webcasts, official release and bands’ own archives.


Everything that appears on this website is presented for free download with the explicit permission of the performers or their representatives. In a minority of cases, material appears without specific permission if an artist has made an unambiguous public statement approving the recording and free distribution of their performances.

If your music or the music of an artist you represent appears here without what you feel is appropriate permission, please contact us via the email addresses on the “Contact Manchestertaper” page and we will remove any questionable material within 12 hours.

Please be aware that copyright exists in all material that we present here, be it music, video, text or photography. The inappropriate use and, specifically, sale of these works jeopardises the entire enterprise: please do not do it.

More than anything, we hope that this site acts as a promotional vehicle for bands who are based in and pass through Manchester. Please follow the links to the official websites and be sure to purchase the commercially available records if you enjoy the live experience we present here. And if you know of a band that would fit in well here, please let us (and them) know.

Happy listening.

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