John Mackie - Eagle Inn

still from manchestertaper’s video recording

After releasing his single 9.5 grams a few months previous, we caught up with John Mackie at the newly refurbished Eagle Inn in Salford. The hollowed out terrace made an appropriate host for the evening, put on by Your Manchester, and provided the laid back atmosphere you could only expect from a gig in a living room.

Mackie began his set accompanied by only his acoustic and the occasional melancholy harmonica, with John admitting that the majority of his songs come from troubled times. Strong vocals and honest lyrics give a personal depth and familiarity, while the Fab Radio DJ maintains a cool and confident stage presence.

After a well fitting cover of Johnny Cash’s Man in Black, he is joined by a more upbeat line up of Dave Smythe, Karl Hand and Paul Griffin on bass, electric guitar and cajon. The Glasgow born artist mixes elements of folk, pop and blues, and despite his Scottish roots, gives a heavy nod to his Manchester influences.

Whether playing solo or backed by a band, Mackie gives a performance to hush even the most enthusiastic of audiences.

Stream “Do I Wait?:

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Download complete show in MP3 format (click here)

Download complete show in FLAC format (click here)


Take it or Leave it
Do I Wait
Blue Eyes
Man in Black
9 ½ grams
Lost & Found
Holy Water

If you download and enjoy this music we would fully expect you to support the artist by buying their records and attending their gigs. John Mackie hosts a weekly show on Manchester’s Fab Radio International and his Soundcloud is here.

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