Detail from gig poster courtesy of Frazer King

The group of young scallywags pictured above is, obviously, not up-and-coming Wythenshawe band Frazer King, although it is an image they are happy to portray to the world at large.  And it is this rough-and-ready image I fell for when I first saw the band play live, back in March, at the Frankfest 2012 fundraiser.  “Just what the world needs,” I thought, as Nathan McIlroy staggered around the stage, a can of lager gripped tightly in his fist, “Another bunch of Professional Mancunians.”

But delve a little deeper into the world of Frazer King and you will find a warmth and intelligence lacking in many of their parka-clad brethren of this fair city.  McIlroy may be outspoken, but he actually has something to say, and is capable of saying it articulately, both in interviews and through his lyrics.

Musically, too, Frazer King are streets ahead of other, more one-dimensional, outfits.  The six-piece embrace everything from indie to doo-wop to polka to God-knows-what.  It shouldn’t work, but, like their hero Frank Zappa, it somehow holds together through skilled musicianship and sheer force of personality.

Under the tutelage of James guitarist Larry Gott, Fraz Kinky, as they refer to themselves, have sharpened up their act in preparation for their debut album and wider, national attention.  The days of shambolic, drunken live performances are behind them, and it showed at their recent Night & Day gig, presented here for your enjoyment.  There is a confidence, beyond mere posturing, growing within the band, which makes us at Manchester Taper believe they are on the cusp of greatness.  The emphasis now is on Professional, rather than Mancunian, and we can’t wait to see where that attitude takes them.

Stream “Showtune from 42nd Street”:

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Download complete show in MP3 format (click here)

Download complete show in FLAC format (click here)


Glorified Hymn
Showtune from 42nd Street
Faith in the Community
Military Wives
War Song
Eunuch Growl
Mother Mary
Sunday’s Shame
Sail a Boat
Pea Factory

If you download and enjoy this music we would fully expect you to support the band by buying their records and attending their gigs.  Frazer King’s official website is here and their Idle Class Debris mixtape can be purchased here.

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