Danny George Wilson - Castle Hotel

photo by manchestertaper

It’s been a bit quiet on the website front for us over recent months but rest assured that the Manchestertaper team have been beavering away, amassing many hours of quality live music which is just crying out to be shared…

We begin with a dip into the vaults: can it really be nearly 12 months since Danny & the Champions of the World’s Danny George Wilson played a blinding solo gig for House of Cards Promotions at the Castle? Ably supported by Trevor Moss & Hannah-Lou (whose set we hope to share with you soon) and Manchester’s own Mog Stanley, Wilson played a taut, intense set that served to strip back the Danny and the Champions material and allow his tersely beautiful lyricism to shine.

Some dashes of gruff Antipodean humour and a singalong of Dancing in the Dark lightened the mood somewhat but could not detract from the scorched, highly personal songs at the core of this performance. Most of those in attendance were clearly fanatics, familiar with every word. Hopefully this recording will win some converts to a distinctive and arresting talent.

Thanks, as always, to Mike and Kellie and all at the Castle for another great gig.

Stream “Old Soul”:

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Download complete show in MP3 format (click here)

Download complete show in FLAC format (click here)


Restless Feet
Follow the River > Dancing in the Dark
Beauty in this Town
Track 40’s Gone
Old Soul
Henry the Van
Every Beat of my Heart
Red Tree Song
The Truest Kind
Still Believe
These Days

If you download and enjoy this music we would fully expect you to support the band by buying their records and attending their gigs. Danny & the Champions of the World’s official website is here and their current album can be purchased here.

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