photo grabbed from manchestertaper’s video recording

Folks who were canny enough to arrive early to Laura J Martin’s sold out album launch at Dulcimer were treated to a short but captivating solo set from Jo Gillot.

Playing a borrowed guitar and winning over an audience impatient for the headline act, it’s easy to see why people such as Marc Riley and Steve Lamacq are singing her praises.

Her songs are a bewitching mix of the ancient and arcane and the everyday and mundane: just when you’re sure you’re listening to some antique folksong, she drops in a turn of phrase that brings you right back to the present. The overall effect is utterly beguiling: songs that feel like they’ve been around forever and yet get under the skin in a way that museum pieces never could.

We got a lovely clear recording and look forward to catching a longer set soon.

Stream “Staple You”:

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Download complete show in mp3 format (click here)

Squirrel Away
The Sound It Makes
Travelling Raft
Beats the Leaves
Staple You

If you download and enjoy this music, we would fully expect you to support the artist by purchasing their music and attending their gigs. Jo’s recent album can be purchased here:

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